Saturday, September 21, 2013


Some of the information given here may seem choppy or inconclusive.This is a “running" family blog and a continuation of a much greater story.You are encouraged to go to the main website to catch-up or read previous blogs.These blogs tell the story of Christian I(100% DAV, homeschooling pastor-dad with M.S.)and Christian II (son 3 years old-T1 diabetic)-BOTH TRYING TO RAISE MONEY FOR SERVICE DOGS!

Thank you for coming! If you have any comments or suggestions, please let Dad know :-)

Christian I (Dad) – So, picture this; all of the children are at the table for dinner. They just sat down to their favorite meal of spaghetti and French bread. Everybody’s really hungry! The smell of tomato sauce in the air is so thick that it feels like you’re taking a hot bath with a whole bunch of tomatoes and hot garlic. It smells so good you’re ready to dive in.

Just then, the doorbell rings! So you open the door only to be immediately greeted by a sobbing couple from church that needs your help. You ask them to join you for supper, but they quickly retort, “We’ve already eaten.” At this point your stomach is wrapped around your spinal cord, trying to get whatever nutrition it can because YOU’RE SO HUNGRY!

You invite the couple in, to come and sit in the back room and talk. As you leave the children at the dinner table with Mom you can see the folly in their eyes, and they are about to erupt with the overwhelming anxiety to devour their dinner!

While you’re sitting with this couple, the woman just gushes open with tearful remarks and uncontrollable heaving. She just found out that her husband cheated on her.
As you maintain the situation, the noise from the other room (dinner table) becomes louder and LOUDER! Before you know it, your little blonde seven year old bursts in the room with tears and says, “Daddy, help me!” Then your wife comes in after her (trying to chase her) and says, “Honey, we need you for a second, please.” Then the “Buzz Lightyear” of the family apparently jumps off his bench, screaming, “To the Trinity and beyond!” and lands on his 9 month old sister and there is immediate screaming and crying. Then the phone (that you didn’t have a chance to silence) starts blaring this obnoxious ringtone and immediately you realize it is someone else from church who has been asking for money for several weeks.
This is a well - constructed concert of chaos! It is also a scene like many that happens in our lives quite a bit; as I’m sure it may in yours as well.
Just remain calm :)

This leads me to the third misconception regarding “Why I can’t have a big family” =
     Misconception #3 –I just do not have the means to give a big family enough attention!”

     Observation – Regarding the story above – REMEMBER-DELEGATION, DELEGATION, DELEGATION. “Ethan (now fourteen years old), sit with little Christian (aka Buzz Lightyear) and help him focus on eating. Mary, (now nine years old) you pick up the baby, hold her, and calm her down and make sure she’s not bleeding or something. Joshua (now twelve years old), take this call and tell Mrs. X that I will call her back. Mom, take this little blonde teary eyed girl and please give her back the food that Buzz Lightyear took from her.”
Then you return your attention very lovingly to the hurt couple. “Tell me how you’re feeling…..”

When you’re talking about time and attention, you’re right! Big families require a lot of attention. Whether you’re homeschooling, changing diapers, going to the park, or doing ANYTHING, there are always needs. EVERY ONE OF THEM NEEDS TO BE ADRESSED!
The sad thing is that if you have no courage, you will be left your entire life scratching your head saying, “How do they do it? There are a lot of children, but as those little blessings get older, they are more than capable of helping out.
We All Help Eachother !!

As a matter of fact, isn’t it a duty of parents to “train up our children,” so that they can be parents themselves? Good training! My children’s grandpa always says, “Shouldn’t a kid be a kid and have fun?” My answer to that is always “Absolutely! They don’t have to give up the most important thing in their lives to have fun!” It doesn’t make sense to me! It’s because we have a big family that my children DO have so much fun – LOL.
I just realized that in these entries I’m supposed to talk about my health – LOL. If you’ve read my previous entries it’s a “Good training day” Please pray for me.
Christian II (3 yr old son)– On my lap sleeping (shhhh!).
God bless you friend... :)
Ethan Putting Litte Christian to Bed

The Famous Picture of Dad and little Christian



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