Thursday, August 22, 2013


Dear Friend,

Thank you for coming !  If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know :-)

At some point in my life I was told that I should begin at the beginning! Well, I'm not going to do that. :-) The purpose of this blog is to give daily updates regarding the status of Christian I and Christian II. Just so you know, I (Christian I) am also going to bring up any other family updates that pop up.

Christian  I - alright, I have a story to tell today already! As I've mentioned before, I'm in a wheelchair 100% of the time. That being said, it was raining today, pretty hard. I think before I continue, an adequate picture is required of the circumstances.

We live next door to the church where I serve, and it's awesome. However, being that the wheelchair follows me everywhere, some difficulties present themselves quickly. In order for me to get my body inside the church, I have to roll around the block to the entrance that has an accommodating ramp. No big deal! On Sunday mornings this predicament allows me to completely wake up prior to seeing the people that I love. Also, it allows me to wave at the neighbors quite frequently! This makes for a great sob story I suppose, but it is very easy for me! I only have to press a button in my wheelchair, and go for a nice ride. :-)

Now begins today's story… man. We have a really awesome gentlemen doing some work for us at the house. He is painting, and the prep work and sanding (etc.), have rendered my home difficult to live in-he also does not speak English. So, since I have so much work to do anyway, we thought it would be a great idea to go to church. Please remember that it is raining, hard. :-)

With my nine month old on my lap, I roll down the ramp of my garage, and when the garage door opens, I witness the downpour. We were trying to figure out what to do next. So I asked my wife to throw a poncho over me and Lydia. No problem.

As soon as I rolled down into the driveway the poncho got tangled up in my wheels. Suddenly my superspeed electric wheelchair became immovable. Baby in hand, things were getting wet! My oldest son, Ethan, ran to my aid like a well-trained soldier that he is. Honestly, he couldn't do anything! He grabbed a sharp knife and tried to cut away the poncho. Still, we couldn't do anything. My wife had already grabbed the baby, and she decided to trade with Ethan.

Now she is cutting away at the poncho, trying to rescue her husband (who is completely soaked already). :-) Still, after several minutes, we couldn't do anything. By this time, I was enjoying the shower. It brought me back to my infantry days in the Army. However, it was very embarrassing. At this time the neighbors were starting to watch.

Guess who comes out of the house? Daddy is powerless. Ethan, Lydia and mom are also powerless to do anything. Here comes (who I now refer to as) my Polish Superman! Notably, there was a language barrier, but clearly he could tell what was going on. He jumped into action.  He tugged, pulled, and cut that poncho away like it was trying to kill me or something! Dude, you had to be there! When he walked away, I said the only thing that I know how to say in Polish. Basically, it means "you are beautiful"!

I made it in my office to write this blog. And I am still soaking wet. But while I was out there, I asked God to show me "why". Guess what? This blog is the answer :-). I love it.

Christian II - Christian is doing well today. His numbers are very favorable and I think that we’re going to hear some more about him tomorrow. Especially since my story went so long.

God bless you friend…
Here is a picture of Lydia who was on my lap while it was raining :-)