Monday, September 16, 2013

Dad's Dog Park I

Some of the information given here may seem choppy or inconclusive.This is a “running blog” and a continuation of a much greater story.You are encouraged to go to the main web-site to catch-up or read previous blogs.These blogs tell the story of Christian I(100% DAV, homeschooling pastor-dad with M.S.)and Christian II (son 3 years old-T1 diabetic)-BOTH TRYING TO RAISE MONEY FOR SERVICE DOGS!

Thank you for coming! If you have any comments or suggestions, please let Dad know :-)

Christian I (Dad)– I know the title seems a little weird. But, all this talk about dogs has led me to a memory that you may enjoy. As usual, a little description is in order. It’s a beautiful autumn day and the family is in Deerfield Illinois. I’m attending classes at Trinity International University, and during this time we had only four children (as opposed to the seven now! LOL)

Well, class just let out and I was exhausted (being up all night) and starving. Usual procedure was that I would go back to our home (on campus) to grab some chow but, there wasn’t anything available to eat in the small apartment. And when I walked in… it was absolute chaos. Ethan and Joshua (now much younger) were hanging off the ceiling or something, while Mary and Elizabeth were doing something unnatural with the vacuum. Good training!

So, I decided to pack everyone up and go to Whole Foods.  At the time, you could buy a couple of healthy large pizzas for a good price. I’m on it!

So, we boogied over to Whole Foods and grabbed the pizzas  -but there was no place to eat them! I wasn’t going back to that small cage of an apartment at Trinity! And, it was around 5:30 P.M, so people were starting to get off work – the dining area at Whole Foods was filled and it was rush hour – PEOPLE EVERYWHERE! Help me! My kingdom for someplace to eat these pizzas and let my kids run around!

So I just decided to drive. After about ten minutes, “ZOWIE”! I saw an open area with a bench for my children and no one around. BINGO! IT’S CHOW TIME!
Is he coming for love? or PIZZA?
Do you see where this is going? Well, I want the children to write a little bit today….so I’ll have them finish the story tomorrow – LOL! Let’s just say that sometimes a man learns from his mistakes! And, I am so glad to be the wiseman that I am now! – LOL.

Ethan (13 yrs.)– now I (Ethan) am typing. I am a soon to be fourteen years old (September 20) and I am excited about my birthday because it is MY birthday instead of all the other children’s birthday’s that I have been participating in the last year! All their birthdays are before mine (except Lydia’s –December 31) so I am glad it is finally here. It’s been so long since I had a birthday so I don’t know quite what to expect but I am sure that it will be cool.

I am even more excited about the National Bible Bee which is coming up in November. I have been doing so much studying lately so we have decided to give me a break from Bible Bee on my birthday. That way I will be able to enjoy it better.

Elizabeth (7 yrs.) – “I’m not sure what to write about” “Well, what are you doing”? I asked (Christian I) She said, “I’m in the middle of an Monopoly game with Mary.” Well, I don’t think Elizabeth will be joining us for this entry today – LOL. Maybe tomorrow.

Elizabeth Studying :)

Christian II (3 yrs.)– (Dad writing again) I have fond memories of reading to Ethan when he was three years old … about dinosaurs. If you need something to do with your little one, I would like to suggest reading a dinosaur book, with vivid pictures, to your little one! Last night, Christian was roaring and having a great time.

Every time I go to the dinosaur book, it works; Always a good time!  Christian mostly repeats syllables of a word with a “grunt”when it’s a difficult word. You can imagine how cute it was for him to repeat dinosaur names like Ramforinkus or Ankylosaurus. It sounded like “eh-eh-lo-ehrus” – LOL  “Very good, Anklosaurus.” ! Too cool man!
Ankylosaurus (Christian wants one!!)

Christian is in somewhat of a pickle now. He tore his site off (where the insulin goes in), and his mom (who changes his site) is at the gym exercising. I’m sure that he will be fine. I just really hate being paralyzed in my hands and not able to help my son. This is one of those many times when I throw my hands up to God, and if you’re the praying sort, please do the same.  

God bless you friend... :)