Thursday, September 5, 2013

Busy Day

Some of the information given here may seem choppy or inconclusive. This is a “running blog” and a continuation of a much greater story. You are encouraged to go to the main web-site to catch-up or read previous blogs. These blogs tell the story of Christian I (100% DAV, homeschooling pastor-dad with M.S.) and Christian II (son 3 years old-T1 diabetic)-BOTH TRYING TO RAISE MONEY FOR SERVICE DOGS - TO SAVE OUR LIVES!
Thank you for coming! If you have any comments or suggestions, please let us know :-)


Christian II -  Little man is fine!  His blood sugar and keytones are back to normal.  Please don't get tired of the "roller coaster" of numbers. This Ts the life that we live! Hopefully, it's not too much of a roller coaster. Otherwise, my son will be an excellent candidate for heart disease, organ failure, or an early death in his mid-too-late 20s. A service dog will definitely help us to prolong Christian's life and greatly enhance its quality.

Christian is doing this new thing now! As you know, Christian sits on my lap in the wheelchair…alot.  Today, while I was whizzing back around the block from my office… he put out his little arms and said, “Weee….”!  Lol    I almost cried.  Then he said, “To the Trinity….and beyond!” (remember the Buzzlightyear blog?).  It was a special moment for me as well when I realized that this old chair could bring somebody some happiness! Thank you God for letting me see that…  If you see me with Christian II on my lap….zooming around the neighborhood,and you see his little arms out…you’ll know what he’s saying…….and also that I am near to tears.  Haha

Christian I - today is a very busy day. We just started our home schooling year this week, tomorrow is my daughter Grace’s birthday, and we had about 40 books to package up and send out for our eBay store! Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining at all! I love it, but you would be a little freaked out! All these children are running around with school materials, packaging supplies, dirty diapers, coffee for dad, and the list goes on and on – LOL. Please pray for my wife! That poor woman deserves a medal! Ha ha…

I didn't receive any feedback regarding stories that you want me to write about. I know that some people are reading this blog. Please let me know what you want me to write about – just pick any topic! I know that it's difficult to get any response, but I am just trying to give you what you like - if you're interested LOL!

The mystery veteran guest who joined us last night for dinner was a very cool dude! This was his first day off in two weeks, and he decided to come over and cook gourmet pasta for the whole family! He also played the guitar around the outdoor fireplace for me and my children while we sang together.
I know that some might thinking “who cares”. But it was such a blessing, I had to share it with you. I can't mention his name. But in Vietnam, this soldier saved the lives of 15 or so Marines that would have been annihilated by the enemy. He received several bullet wounds. Very outstanding story.  Good training! Remember, I was feeling miserable yesterday! I asked God, "why should I press on with the day?", And He answered me with in Vietnam veteran. I love it when He does that!

If you are the praying type (and I know many of you are) please say a little prayer for my veteran guest. We will just say that he would like to sleep through the night more than two hours at a time. I've also told him about Jesus quite a bit, and there seems to be something good happening there.

And IF you are saying to yourself, "Man, this blog is boring" then tell me what to write about! I would rather be a blessing to you and put a smile on your face!
God bless you friend... :)