Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Family Matters IV - No Money for a Big Family

Some of the information given here may seem choppy or inconclusive.This is a “running" family blog and a continuation of a much greater story.You are encouraged to go to the main website to catch-up or read previous blogs.These blogs tell the story of Christian I(100% DAV, homeschooling pastor-dad with M.S.)and Christian II (son 3 years old-T1 diabetic)-BOTH TRYING TO RAISE MONEY FOR SERVICE DOGS!

Thank you for coming! If you have any comments or suggestions, please let Dad know :-)
Christian I (Dad) – So this morning I’ve got a really big corporate lunch to attend. You see, I’ve just opened up one of the largest accounts for my company in the Midwest. The only problem is my hair. It’s long enough that I could pass as a kind of gorilla.
An Exaggeration?
So before the big luncheon I’ve decided to go to see a new barber that my brother-in-law recommended to me. I did have a hard time driving through the lovely town of Rolling Meadows, but eventually, “presto”, I found it!
My appointment was for eleven o’clock a.m. and I believe I walked in two minutes late to find a very quaint men’s barber shop (complete with that shaving cream smell)…  waiting for me.  “My name is Joe, and you must be Mr. Carlson” said the short man with the butterfly collar and the chest hair to match (He looked like some kind of throwback from the 70’s – LOL).
After taking my seat at the throne of hygiene, I proceeded to listen to countless story types. He began with his political views, then some gardening, and finally came upon family matters. (As a side note, I tipped my hat to most barbers as they can talk about anything and everything-a real gift).
Anyway, my new best buddy Joe started to tell me about his brother’s family. Apparently his brother had too many children (something like four).  I said, “Four children are too much?”
Say What?
He stopped snipping at my head and bobbed his slicked back hair like one of those head bobbing toys that you see in the dashboards of a lot of cars. I thought, wow, this guy must know something that I don’t because he seemed so confident. So I said, “Tell me more about that”. As he revealed the secret to me, I thank God that there were no flies around!
My jaw hit the floor and was hanging so wide open; you probably could have walked right in yourself – LOL. Joe unveiled this very elaborate verbal schematic of how “A PERSON NEEDS TO HAVE A MILLION DOLLARS SAVED PER CHILD IN ORDER TO RAISE THEM ADEQUATELY”.  Honestly, I’m very proud of myself because I didn’t burst out laughing.
I let my friend Joe finish his discourse (which ended with the last snip)! And as I left I withheld Joe’s tip and said “I have a few children of my own- I better start saving”. I did manage to ask Joe how many children HE had. Joe had none…though he “wanted some if he could afford it”. But I do recall during his stories Joe told me about a few Mercedes that he had… and a mansion… and a summer home in Florida.  So sad.
Where Joe's "Lie" will Lead
This leads me to the next misconception regarding “Why I can’t have a big family”.
     Misconception #4 – “I can’t afford them”.
     Observation – You will recall that I am not directly speaking against these misconceptions. My goal is to let observations about my own family speak for themselves - THOUGH CALLING THEM "MISCONCEPTIONS ALREADY CEMENTS MY POSITION (WHOOPS...I STARTED OFF EASY-LOL!) 
Ok...back on track...I have seven children and if Joe looked at my financial ledger … his mouth would drop so wide open that you could walk right in!
Not actually Joe... but you get the picture !!

NEWSFLASH – I do not have seven million dollars saved up! Neither do you! There are a lot of lies floating around out there, and a lot of garbage that keeps good people from having the courage to raise other good people. Does it cost money? Absolutely!
However, I observed that in my own life and in the Scriptures (remember? I’m a Godly man); that when God blesses you with something He gives you a way to manage it. I’m managing very well. Of course I have health bills for me and my Diabetic son … and braces bills for two of my children’s teeth … and a ton of other concerns.
"GO TAKE THAT HILL" (to soldier below)
God always equips for the mission...LOOK FOR IT!!
NOW "GO TAKE THAT HILL" (to soldier below)

But I am not worried one bit. Now that I think about it, you won’t even be able to understand this without Faith in God. Now that I think about it,   I have no idea how things have come together in the last fourteen years apart from my Faith in God.
Big families are a blessing ,just as children are and life itself is. Please don’t be like Joe and miss that blessing because of a lie.
Christian II (3 year old son) - On that note, my three year old son and I need service dogs ESPECIALLY MY LITTLE BOY. I know that God will provide a way. Perhaps he is going to use you, my friend! Christian and I need your prayers. No one has given in awhile and we have a long way to go.  We are very thankful to be alive... 
God bless you friend... :)
The Famous Little Christian Picture

The Famous Picture of Dad and little Christian